Brooke Abbott

Advocate For Ulcerative Colitis

Brooke Abbott is a single mom, a patient, a student, an activist, an advocate, a creative, and a coffee aficionado. After being diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in 2008, she has dedicated her time to health equity, education, and disability rights for those affected by chronic conditions and disabilities. This includes activism both on the legislative level and within the chronic illness and disability communities.

Brooke is known online and within the halls of Congress as The Crazy Creole Mommy, a social media brand she created to spread awareness about living with a chronic condition as a single mother of color. She is also the co-founder of IBDMoms, a nonprofit resource for moms affected by IBD as patients or caregivers.

Brooke's story has been featured in Women's Health Magazine, Prevention Magazine, WebMD, Everyday Health, US Weekly, and L.A. Parent. She has participated in advisory boards promoting health equity for Janssen Biotech, HealtheVoices, The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, The Department of Defense, Pfizer, AbbVie, Arena Pharmaceuticals, Single Mom Planet Foundation, and WEGO Health. Brooke is dedicated to ensuring health equity and equality for everyone. She is also mother to actor and model Jax Honeycutt, and they reside in Los Angeles with their puppy, Winston.


Brooke Abbott

Ulcerative colitis

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